Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hamilton Harbor Ontario Ice Boating

Evaluations Department of Sociology

The statistical analysis in the fields of sociology, psychology
, medicine, education, administration, politics and economics field

be with PM4 the data statistically analyzed and presented correctly.


eg data recoding


entering data in tabular form, trans-formatting, sorting, range selection,
Descriptive values (mean, variance, Var. coefficient, median, mode, Kurtosis, missing values, etc.)

comparison of two (more) Samples t-test, correlation, chisquare

regression (including multiple and polynomial), ANOVA (one-and two-way)
Nonparametric tests (Kruskal- Wallis, Mann-Whitney, Spearman, Kendall, Wilcoxon etc.)
Nonparametric tests with multivariate factor analysis (principal components, Harris and Kaiser Image Analysis, Varimax, Equimax, quartimax, orthotran)

Kontingenztafelanalyse, stepwise regression, graphical representation the regression confidence band with optional

Plots ( univariate and bivariate plots, frequency chart (pie, bar), scatter plots, line graphs)
Logistic regression: binary or polytomous with one or more independent variables, the nominal, or can ever be both.
Nonlinear Regression: exponential growth, logarithmic, power.
smoothing in bivariate diagrams with cubic spline, lowess "and" super smoother "adapted lines.

ANOVA: control of interaction depth,
factor repeated measures unbalanced, repeated measures, analysis of covariance, and MANOVA, and MANCOVA, four post-hoc test (Dunnet, Tukey-Kramer, Games-Howell, Student-Newman-Keuls).

Survival Analysis: As a rule, used survival analysis in medicine, to analyze certain times of an event or a reaction, but they are also often used by engineers to data to analyze "mean time between failures" of a system or mechanical parts. Survival includes:
Nonparametric methods such as Kaplan-Meier, Actuarial, etc., proportional hazard models, parametric models, including those based on exponential-Weibull, log-normal and log-logistic distribution, etc.
QC Tools - Quality Control . Contains a set of various quality control analysis for sub-group measurements, diagrams (eg mean, standard deviations, CUSUM) and individual measurements.
Full control of CUSUM parameters (with or without FIR) and others. Also: P / NP statistics, C / U-statistics,
Pareto analysis (Pareto diagrams, Pareto charts)
World-script-ready: supports "right-to-left text entry,
voice attributes such as date / time and number format of most written languages and also supports 2-byte languages (Japanese, Chinese, etc.)
The record format dataset transfer "makes sure that files between Mac and Windows can be replaced.
A variety of statistical templates are
Fully integrated spreadsheet and extensive graphics capabilities provided allow, so can now present the results of the analysis with the same program, and graphically explicit. The results can be arranged in a box and mix them with text graphics. The visible result of a statistical analysis can be modified by simple operations, such as by changing the analysis method, the variable rate and the representation. In addition, statistical methods can add as modules.
A brief overview of the most important analysis such as: basic statistics, contingency tables, correlation / covariance, Anova, Excel Translator, factor analysis, graphs, logistic regression, non parametric, quality control, regression, survival analysis;



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