Friday, December 31, 2010

Do You Have Time Off With A Chest Infection

hello friends ...

I wish you all a Happy New Year ...

is purely good, but not slip, it is smooth outside

equivalent to my mate Flea, so still time to sleep before bissel ....

I see you again next year ...

remains healthy and true to me ... now your tired bissel Bruce gääääääääääähn

Fsx Air Brake Control

feelings of a meditation

I go so slow to the point where I know when I'm immersed in deep meditation. It is difficult to put into words how a "successful meditation" to the touch. It is a plunge into the inner peace, hovering on a cloud, which is firmly rooted to the earth. Perhaps you know that when you wake up in the morning, not awakened by such an alarm, gently but escapes to bed, his eyes still closed but the mind is alert and notice the warmth of the bed, total relaxation. I find this state describes as the peace of mind, the Entrance to a meditation if you manage to bring the idea to silence and that is an incredible challenge. I have read about retreats in India, in which 10 hours a day meditating. Especially if you're untrained, you can imagine, even just 30 minutes still to endure, because the thoughts are constantly and it is rare, to put it aside. One is at the mercy of himself and his thoughts and the concentrated and conscious breathing is difficult. You have to precisely through. But when it succeeds, it sucks like a sponge, to new energy. One is immediately regenerated after meditation, balanced and satisfied. A gas station of satisfaction.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Baby Cough Clearing Throat

Merry Christmas wishes Bruce ...

check this out .... . I've seen the Nicholas ... He was in the park, the coat of snow .. Rabbit droppings and all sorts of goodies he had it ... well, not quite, but he has sought after ... Merry Christmas wishes Bruce ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Raspberry Ginger Aletoronto

lot of positive feedback

When I started this blog, I first time do not expect that anyone reads it. I just wanted to write down my thoughts and had the hope to help others with it. First, I had only my family and a few friends, carefully told that my life has changed and I have come to Buddhism. Puzzled, I learned that my sister in law has indeed become a fan of my blog and reads it regularly (greetings from here :-)). But not only they read this blog regularly, but now many other people I do not know personally. Which is particularly pleasing because it shows that many of the time of rethinking has come. So I now had in the 2nd Months more than 300 visitors on my blog. I hope I could and can help with all of my comments a bit, the new deal with Buddhism. I would hope that everyone might leave my posts a comment that has something to say. So write what you is on the heart, with your comments can help other people.

your Buddhy

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Viva La Spring Break Uk

After the meditation before meditation

In recent days I had, caused by the snow chaos and other turmoil, unfortunately little time to take care of the blog. I now become clear to all, but the importance of meditation. I try to meditate every day 1-2 times, usually 10-20 minutes. Once a week I meet with my yes Sangha (the Buddhist word for the community). There we meditate together at the beginning about 30-40 minutes. In the last two weeks I found it difficult to focus me, it turned in an inner restlessness that I knew really so only in my Buddhist practice, I could not explain why! Meanwhile, according to my Buddhist Zugrückgewinnung Calm, as I always call it, I have found the reason. As mentioned above, and probably everyone has even noticed, so the snow is quite lame Germany down and I could not now take only two weeks in a row at the meeting. However, these same intense meditation for 30-40 minutes gives me personally as it looks, very much. Also, I had left my general, daily meditation is implied and this leads inevitably back to inner turmoil. While I will (no matter what :-)) participate in the meeting again until tomorrow, but I have extremely taken to meditate at least once in the morning. It has only taken two days and I was quiet again! What makes

one in exactly the meditation?

I'm even here also not 100% firm and I've often asked the question, if I meditate properly but success for me is currently legal. First, I begin my breath only to be respected, to let my mind calm. If I feel that I'm calm and focused, I'll just get the idea, consider this and if there are problems, I look for the cause. It's amazing how clearly you can see often the true essence of a problem in meditation and has been recognized first that is a solution not far away. Sometimes I simply sit there and try to be as little as possible to allow ideas, push them when they occur, gentle aside. Just quietly, I stay so and regain peace and strength. I always notice after a meditation that I feel much more energy than before. There are some studies on meditation to bring the truly amazing insights into days, the spirit of a regular meditator is alert and creative.
I will soon publish recommendations times a few books that have helped me to understand the big picture a little more.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Red Velvet Cupcake Toronto

caught between pressure to change and ability to change

My central findings on the change management

first Change processes in organizations should proceed carefully planned and well prepared. Ad hoc changes due to powerful directives from the highest strategic level management often result in a lack of motivation in most of the female employees which, for example to a sharp increase of "bogus sick leave" leads, which may interfere with the operation process sensitive. Man should be the focus, because every business process needs people because people never entirely by computer, software or working robot can be replaced.

second If changes should be the strategic management of the "operators", people working in the front lines, in its decision process and thus ensure that the tactics employed are in keeping with the prescribed strategy. This process of change can be built on a broad basis, as people working in the operational area will make very valuable experience and they can then communicate to their managers more.

third Since people are not working robot and mere order takers, they also need vision from which clearly shows how and why the organization should change. Since it is visions of pure future plans, they should not be overstated too much, in which all future expectations are played out to the smallest and simulated, as in times of crisis for such development opportunities often lack the time and money.

4th to be resorted to in order to carry out radical changes can sometimes be very sorry to drastic measures. Female employees in the course of those years any change in ability is lost, it would give you the opportunity to realize that they can look elsewhere. This end management overwhelmed, but mostly the managers and could, if the remaining employee weaken women's loyalty to the company, or it could enter the exact opposite, that the remaining employees inside because they were finally freed from the eternal uphill braking ", and finally to peak performance be encouraged. The danger: to be achieved once 130 percent performance, but only paid for 100 percent. But in times of crisis, this is often the only way to ensure the survival of the company.

5th If major changes need to organize very flexible, fast learning and vision for new open-minded female employees. Past mistakes should not be heated, because the future is more important than the past.

6th break a changing organization must also be able to use such taboos and unjustified privileges previously the lead and the performance of the company strongly restricted.

7th Conclusion: Theoretical models for change management may, under certain conditions constitute a small guide for practitioners, but may never be implemented 1:1 into practice, you never know where we are now in the model.

For example, the very nice model of Kübler-Ross: On Death and Dying (1967), attempts the reactions in drastic changes under certain conditions theoretically represent. Whether the loss of employment or a drastic restructuring measure in an organization with the physical process of dying compared dare I is doubtful, since with job loss still is life according to what can be said for the loss of life is not so sure.

is certain in both cases the belief in an afterlife exists but the loss of a job is no longer perceived as drastic as change and contemplation can be a great opportunity for a fresh start. The 'On Death and Dying model' ends with the quasi- Acceptance, whereas the new beginning is more than a mere acceptance, but the new frontier and visions.

Homemade Electric Curtain

snow snow and more snow ...

If you have such short legs like yours truly, it is really difficult to run when the legs are lumpy and ice .. but yes no one here is interested, not even welfare, otherwise he would speak with Mrs. Holle and put in a word for all small dogs ..

are days I do not smell more news of my other friends .. not a tree tell me who was there, anyway, there is little buddies on the street, and when I see a time then I have no desire to play because my legs are so hard ..
some people complain about, too heavy legs, but I do think that something else .. well then ..

ends meet in the park also includes for the first time in the snow because I'm too short and there is not even cleared .. in the next life I come as German Great Dane to the world .. or Huski, I think the freeze does not,

there also are snow dogs,

here you have some pictures of the black (yours truly) and white glory

have fun in the snow, and a bit of compassion for all too short and their dogs ... Bussi

your Bruce ..

where I am here

give me my line

Halloooooooooo goes there

I a have, hurraaaa, tasty rabbit product

if there's one, from the delicious brown parts .. made by rabbit

and if that were mine.

I am a black and white lapdog

dog clothes

I am mistress Zuckerschnute

no, more is not out the tongue, or they freeze to death

a visit to the snow ... la la lala

Look, who can still see my legs

neeee so thick white legs have I do not always ...

one goes, one still fits inside .. but it will only time ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Software For Stroke Victim Voice Recognition

getting this haircut

Today it was time again, the hairdresser was there ... Manno feet, if my mum knows that winter is on the calendar ..

and the hairdresser says, but actually I always do after a walk to the acquaintance with a comb and brush, Halloooooo asked the noble bit of what he wants ...

determine a small lapdog may ... sooo

but I habs my mum showed how great I am, yes I am a real man ahem, of course, my dog to be exact DOG ..
after the barber was gone I've boarded my cow, and what should I bark, I can attest little puppies, would go yes yes, now ...

where your are the lapdog ladies choose me from the father to be ..

was ok, just not OK, but an attempt worth it ..

and now here you have pictures of my cow, and .. by me, mistress of all the best Schatzemann

woof and away ...

Me and my cow

again with my favorite animal

she is not beautiful, and already so abgerammelt

hm , tasty beef ear


show me your teeth, all before Consistent


hello you up there