Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Viva La Spring Break Uk

After the meditation before meditation

In recent days I had, caused by the snow chaos and other turmoil, unfortunately little time to take care of the blog. I now become clear to all, but the importance of meditation. I try to meditate every day 1-2 times, usually 10-20 minutes. Once a week I meet with my yes Sangha (the Buddhist word for the community). There we meditate together at the beginning about 30-40 minutes. In the last two weeks I found it difficult to focus me, it turned in an inner restlessness that I knew really so only in my Buddhist practice, I could not explain why! Meanwhile, according to my Buddhist Zugrückgewinnung Calm, as I always call it, I have found the reason. As mentioned above, and probably everyone has even noticed, so the snow is quite lame Germany down and I could not now take only two weeks in a row at the meeting. However, these same intense meditation for 30-40 minutes gives me personally as it looks, very much. Also, I had left my general, daily meditation is implied and this leads inevitably back to inner turmoil. While I will (no matter what :-)) participate in the meeting again until tomorrow, but I have extremely taken to meditate at least once in the morning. It has only taken two days and I was quiet again! What makes

one in exactly the meditation?

I'm even here also not 100% firm and I've often asked the question, if I meditate properly but success for me is currently legal. First, I begin my breath only to be respected, to let my mind calm. If I feel that I'm calm and focused, I'll just get the idea, consider this and if there are problems, I look for the cause. It's amazing how clearly you can see often the true essence of a problem in meditation and has been recognized first that is a solution not far away. Sometimes I simply sit there and try to be as little as possible to allow ideas, push them when they occur, gentle aside. Just quietly, I stay so and regain peace and strength. I always notice after a meditation that I feel much more energy than before. There are some studies on meditation to bring the truly amazing insights into days, the spirit of a regular meditator is alert and creative.
I will soon publish recommendations times a few books that have helped me to understand the big picture a little more.


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